WEET SOT-23 Small Signal Transistors Application Guidance and Cross Reference
Author: admin Publish: 2019/6/29 Category: Small Signal Transistors Read: Times Comments
WEE Technology Company Limited
Manufacturer of Surface Mount (SMD) and Through Hole (DIP) Diodes & RectifiersSmall signal transistors(BJT) are usually widely used in all segments and for several applications in almost all equipment.
On/ off switches for general use
Bias supply circuits LED diode driver
Infrared diode amplifier
Relay driver
Timer circuits
Audio mute function
High voltage ‘A’ class preamplifier
RGB coils driver and Scavem circuits
Telecom wireline interface circuits
Industry Standard WEET Nearest WEET Replacement Industry Standard WEET Nearest WEET Replacement Industry Standard WEET Nearest WEET Replacement BC560B BC557B BC850B BC847B BC328 BC327-25 BC560C BC557B BC850C BC847C BC328-16 BC327-25 BC807 BC807-25 BC850W BC847BW BC328-25 BC327-25 BC807-16 BC807-25 BC850BW BC847BW BC328-40 BC327-40 BC807-25 BC807-25 BC850CW BC847CW BC337 BC337-25 BC807-40 BC807-40 BC857 BC857B BC337A BC337-25 BC807W SO2907AW BC857A BC857B BC337-16 BC337-25 BC807-16W SO2907AW BC857B BC857B BC337-25 BC337-25 BC807-25W SO2907AW BC857C BC857B BC337-40 BC337-40 BC807-40W SO2907AW BC857W BC857BW BC338 BC337-25 BC808 BC807-25 BC857AW BC857BW BC338-16 BC337-25 BC808-16 BC807-25 BC857BW BC857BW BC338-25 BC337-25 BC808-25 BC807-25 BC857CW BC857BW BC338-40 BC337-40 BC808-40 BC807-40 BC858 BC857B BC547 BC547B BC808W SO2907AW BC858A BC857B BC547A BC547B BC808-16W SO2907AW BC858B BC857B BC547B BC547B BC808-25W SO2907AW BC858C BC857B BC547C BC547C BC808-40W SO2907AW BC858W BC857BW BC548 BC547B BC817 BC817-25 BC858AW BC857BW BC548A BC547B BC817-16 BC817-25 BC858BW BC857BW BC548B BC547B BC817-25 BC817-25 BC858CW BC857BW BC548C BC547C BC817-40 BC817-40 BC859 BC857B BC549 BC547B BC817W SO2222AW BC859A BC857B BC549B BC547B BC817-16W SO2222AW BC859B BC857B BC549C BC547C BC817-25W SO2222AW BC859C BC857B BC550 BC547B BC817-40W SO2222AW BC859W BC857BW BC550B BC547B BC818 BC817-25 BC859AW BC857BW BC550C BC547C BC818-16 BC817-25 BC859BW BC857BW BC557 BC557B BC818-25 BC817-25 BC859CW BC857BW BC557A BC557B BC818-40 BC817-40 BC860 BC857B BC557B BC557B BC818W SO2222AW BC860A BC857B BC557C BC557B BC818-16W SO2222AW BC860B BC857B BC558 BC557B BC818-25W SO2222AW BC860C BC857B BC558A BC557B BC818-40W SO2222AW BC860W BC857BW BC558B BC557B BC847 BC847B BC860AW BC857BW BC558C BC557B BC847A BC847B BC860BW BC857BW BC559 BC557B BC847B BC847B BC860CW BC857BW BC559A BC557B BC847C BC847C BCP51 BCP52-16 BC559B BC557B BC847AT BC847B (2) BCP52 BCP52-16 BC559C BC557B BC847BT BC847B (2) BCP53 BCP53-16 BCX55 STF2222A BC847CT BC847C (2) BCP54 BCP55-16 BCX56 STF715 BC847W BC847BW BCP55 BCP55-16 BF420 BF420 BC847AW BC847BW BCP56 BCP56-16 BF421 BF421 BC847BW BC847BW BCX17 BCX17 BF422 BF420 BC847CW BC847CW BCX18 BCX17 BF423 BF421 BC848 BC847B BCX19 BCX19 BF720 BF720 BC848A BC847B BCX51 STF2907A BF721 BF721 BC848B BC847B BCX52 STF2907A BC849 BC847B BC848C BC847C BCX53 STF817 BC849B BC847B BC848AT BC847B (2) BCX54 STF2222A BC848CW BC847CW BC848BT BC847B (2) BC848W BC847BW BC848BW BC847BW BC848CT BC847C (2) BC848AW BC847BW Original Article From WEE Technology!Tags: WEET BJT Applications WEET transistors cross reference WEET Switching Diodes

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