WEET DO-27 (DO-201AD) 3A 1000V HER308 High Efficient Rectifiers
Author: admin Publish: 2018/11/29 Category: High Efficiency Rectifiers Read: Times Comments
WEE Technology Company Limited
Manufacturer of Surface Mount (SMD) and Through Hole (DIP) Diodes & RectifiersWEET DO-27 (DO-201AD) 3A 1000V HER301 THRU HER308 (HER301, HER302, HER303, HER304, HER305, HER306, HER307, HER308) High Efficient Rectifiers
The best seller is WEET HER308 with 3A Maximum Average Forward Rectified Current and 1000V Maximum Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage.
HER is the first letter of High Efficient Rectifiers, so from the part number we can identity the diodes types.
WEE Technolgoy is strong at High Efficient Rectifiers for many years, below is the list of WEE High Efficient Rectifiers items, welcome your enquiry.
HER101S HER101 HER151 HER201 HER201G HER301 HER501 HER601 HER102S HER102 HER152 HER202 HER202G HER302 HER502 HER602 HER103S HER103 HER153 HER203 HER203G HER303 HER503 HER603 HER104S HER104 HER154 HER204 HER204G HER304 HER504 HER604 HER105S HER105 HER155 HER205 HER205G HER305 HER505 HER605 HER106S HER106 HER156 HER206 HER206G HER306 HER506 HER606 HER107S HER107 HER157 HER207 HER207G HER307 HER507 HER607 HER108S HER108 HER158 HER208 HER208G HER308 HER508 HER608 https://www.weetcl.com/High_Efficiency_Rectifiers/DO27_HER301_THRU_HER308.html
Original Article From WEE Technology!Tags: WEET HER308 WEET High Efficient Rectifiers

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